Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Picture of the hand gun

Article on Fear

Picture of South Africa

Cry the Beloved country quote(Cycle of inequality and Justice)
- Alan Paton, Cry, The Beloved Country, Chapter 7

Importance of land Article

Cry the Beloved country copyright in 1948. Alan Paton

Quote from Cry the Beloved country
Chapter 29, pg. 205

Picture of the Rugby team

Quote from Cry the Beloved Country
Chapter 7, page 71

Picture of Nelson Mandela


I have learned a lot about South Africa that I don't think I would have even cared about unless it was for this class. I am actually really impressed about the good things that go on in South Africa and how similar they are to us. In our weekly posts we have studied The Importance of Land, The Effect of Fear, The Unifying Power of Love, and The Cycle of Inequality/injustice. Not only in our novel was I able to apply myself to the situations of Kumalo and his search for his family; I was able to make connections to the way South Africa and the United States are so similar in the things we are good with and struggle at. I am glad that I was Able to study South Africa because it has taught me to be a better person and to help others when they struggle.

The Cycle of Inequality/injustice

In the Novel the Cycle of inequality and injustice was almost always present. We learn as the book unfolds that South Africa has a lot of problems. The people do not think about the consequences that their actions will make on other peoples lives. They only think about what is good for them. In Absalom's case he and his friends were not wise in trying to steal from an innocent man. Absalom didn't think that having a loaded gun might accidentally hurt someone. Absalom and his friends were only thinking about themselves and it ended up taking the life of an innocent person. I feel that not only does Absolom represent a lot of the injustice that happens in South Africa but it shows that South Africa is a country that is suffering. a lot of people are poor and it causes them to do bad to keep food on the table for their families. As long as South Africa as a whole thinks about themselves and not other people their nation will have a major problem with cruel injustices. Although there might be a lot of injustice in South Africa their are people who strive to try and keep the country under control.

 Nelson Mandela was a man for Justice and equality and great example to South Africa and the way it should run.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Unifying Power of Love

The unifying power of love was a major essential part of our novel Cry the Beloved Country. In the beginning of our book Kumalo receives a letter about his sister. He is informed that she is ill and needs help. He does not know what is going on in the life of his sister, his brother, and his son. Without to much thought he willing goes to where his sister lives in Johannasburg. He does not show much compassion when he first sees his sister because he is disappointed about what she has become. Kumalo shows a lot of Love as he offers to let her live with him when he goes back to where his live in Ndotsheni. Kumalo is worried about his son and searches until he finds him. He finds out that his son is in Jail because he is accused of murder. He is at all of his sons court dates and is there for his son. He loves his son just the same and tries to help him get his life in somewhat order. He arranges for his son and his girlfriend to get married before he has to die. Kumalo shows so much love as he also takes Absolom's wife also to go home with him. In this book it taught me that people, especially family members will do so much for the people they love. Msimingu Gave Kumalo comforting words and helped him with expenses of his journey. Mr. Carmichael The lawyer that was helping Kumalo showed great love by doing the work Pro deo or for free. This book shows that with sometimes the smallest things can make the greatest difference in Someones life.
 One thing South Africans love is rugby and this is a picture of one of their teams.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Effect of Fear

In South Africa there is also a sense of fear. There is fear for your own life. There is fear of when you will get your next meal will be. There is a fear is if your government has men and women that will expound your opportunities and not limit. In Cry the beloved country there were a lot of fears among the different characters. Kumalo had a fear of finding his son and sister and making sure they were safe and sound. Absolom's girlfriend at the time had a fear of how she was going to provide her and her baby on the way because Absolom had left. From the book you could tell that the lives in the story were always fearing. There was always a feeling of sadness and a hope that something would happen to take away some of the fear. In the article below in the comment it talks about a tragic death in South Africa. This article below show that now there is still a great measure of fear.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Importance of Land

Not only in our Novel Cry the Beloved Country. The importance of land was a necessity. In the beginning of the book it talked about two kinds of land. The first land that was lush and prosperous because the need for the land was not demanding. The land took care of the people and the people took care of the land. The second described land was barren and dry. You could not walk on the ground without shoes and the land did not take care of the people because the people did not take care of it. In our day there are a lot of people working hard to restore the land of South Africa. There are many research projects and laws being passed to protect the land that belongs to the South Africans. This article in the comment section explains some projects that are being done to help Africans.


The soul purpose of this blog is to not only to complete Mrs. Greenwood's Final assessment but, to be an emulating source for good and the people who bring it to pass. This book has not only given me a greater outlook on how I view the world but how much work each one of us can do to make our world better. The main four topics of focus that will be used are: The Importance of Land, The Effect of Fear, The Unifying Power of Love, and The Cycle of Inequality and Justice. These topics will be used throughout the blog with supporting Elements to give us different views and things to contemplate about.